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Welcome to BolagsKraft

Our business idea is easy to summarize – we want to make it easy for you to work. By becoming a self-employed contractor and creating an account with BolagsKraft, you can start working and billing on the same day without having your own business. We handle all the paperwork and pay your taxes and fees so that you can focus on what you are best at. Start your self-employment today!


Sometimes you may need help with the finances besides billing. We can assist you with everything from tax declarations to advice in larger decisions, whether you are self-employed or running your own company.

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Legal advice

As a self-employed entrepreneur or a small business owner, there may be times when you need legal advice. We will help you ensure that your contracts are waterproof and support you if you need advice.

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It is important to feel safe when you are working. Therefore, you always have a basic insurance when you work through us. You can also sign up for the occupational pension via us! In addition, it is possible to get additional insurance options for you with special needs.

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We will hold your hand all the way. In addition to the fact that we can all the “hard” parts like finance, law and insurance, we are also your adviser.

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Calculate your salary

When where you born?

Du måste vara 18 år för att vara egenanställd hos oss.

Ange ett giltigt födelseår.

Invoice amount (ex. VAT)


Your salary after tax (30%)


Our Calculations

Invoice Amount (excl. VAT) {{ ctrl.invoiceAmount | number}} SEK
BolagsKraft {{ ctrl.fee | number:0 }} SEK
Social Fees {{ ctrl.socialaAvgifter | number:0 }} SEK
Gross Salary {{ ctrl.bruttolon | number:0 }} SEK
Taxes {{ ctrl.vat | number:0 }} SEK
Net Salary {{ ctrl.nettolon | number }} SEK

Your Payment

{{ ctrl.employeePart | number:2 }}%

Taxes & Fees

{{ ctrl.remainder | number:2 }}%


{{ ctrl.feePart }}%*


A self employment with BolagsKraft does not imply any fixed costs or start fees. We only charge a service charge of 8.5% of the invoice amount, excluding VAT. The service fee includes insurance coverage, counseling and administration.

What do our self employees say?

Marie Kjellén och Mats Andersson

Marie Kjellén och Mats Andersson


"With BolagsKraft we have got the time to develop our business and our offer."

Their thoughtful lectures on life with disabilities are lined with humor, joy and seriousness. Through BolagsKraft, Marie and Mats run the company…

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Peter Jeppson

Peter Jeppson


"To be a part of BolagsKraft gives me the freedom to do what I want and develop in my art."

When he creates art, Peter is constantly looking for new creative expressions. ThroughBolagsKraft, he can continue to devote himself to the thing…

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Torbjörn Karlsson

Torbjörn Karlsson

Construction worker

"After my company went bankrupt I got a real eye-opener about what it takes to run my own business and started looking for help."

After working for several different construction companies, Torbjörn decided to start his own consturction company. He quickly gained good reputation in the…

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Sorry, this page is only available in %LANG Du har kanske läst eller hört att PostNord har startat med varannandagsutdelning av post. Detta innebär att posten endast levereras varannan dag….

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The story behind Bolagskraft

The reason I wanted to work with Bolagskraft is that I know through our experience what opportunities you can get through a self-employment. Self-employed in Sweden is called Egenanställd and it means that you can work and invoice without starting your own business. We handle everything – you will find your own assignments and invoice thru BolagsKraft, we then pay all taxes, VAT and you get your paycheck.

Our wish is to employ as many people as possible and help them realize their dreams. As a self-employed person, you can begin with your assignments quick and easy. It may be the start of an exciting and developing journey, whether it is the first step towards your own registered company, the way to a permanent employment or simply a future as a self-employed contracter/ freelancer. We want to give people the chance to make the most of their potential – we are therefore proud to run Bolagskraft!

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