Calculate your salary
Create your free account nowWith our calculator, you can calculate your salary, it will give you a quick estimate of how much you as a self-employed person need to invoice to get the salary you want. You can calculate your salary in two different ways in the calculator, you can enter the amount you will be billing and find out how much you can get after taxes and fees. Or you can write how much you want to have left after tax and fees, then the calculator tells you how much you need to invoice to achieve that.
If you click on the details button, you can see how much the tax, VAT and employer fees are.
When where you born?
Du måste vara 18 år för att vara egenanställd hos oss.
Ange ett giltigt födelseår.
Invoice amount (ex. VAT)
Your salary after tax (30%)
Our Calculations
Your Payment
{{ ctrl.employeePart | number:2 }}%
Taxes & Fees
{{ ctrl.remainder | number:2 }}%
{{ ctrl.feePart }}%*
A self employment with BolagsKraft does not imply any fixed costs or start fees. We only charge a service charge of 8.5% of the invoice amount, excluding VAT. The service fee includes insurance coverage, counseling and administration.