Terms of Use

Here you can read more about BolagsKraft's terms of use. This is important and affects your legal rights, so please read them and our privacy policy and other terms referenced in this document carefully. If you have any questions about how our Terms of Service affect you as an employee, please call us and we will tell you more.

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General Terms and Conditions

The following agreement applies between Bolagskraft i Norden AB, company registration number 556716-1855, hereinafter referred to as Bolagskraft, and the self-employed individual. Bolagskraft is the employer and the self-employed individual is employed. This means that the self-employed individual hires the services of Bolagskraft but runs their own business, markets themselves, and acquires their own work, under the control of Bolagskraft.

Only the management of Bolagskraft are allowed to be signatories and no others have the authority to engage Bolagskraft in any financial commitments.

Here’s how it works:
1. The self-employed individual registers and enters their personal information, which Bolagskraft protects in accordance with PUL, Personal Data Act (1998:204), on bolagskraft.se and thereby approves the applicable user agreement.
2. The self-employed individual finds a job to perform and informs their client that Bolagskraft is the legal counterparty in the contractual relationship.
3. Upon completion of the work or when the invoice is to be issued, the self-employed individual fills in an invoice basis on their individual page on Bolagskraft.se. Unless otherwise stated, or agreed with the customer, a 30 days due date applies.
4. Bolagskraft then sends the invoice to the customer no later than the day after registration (applies on weekdays). If an invoice is overdue, a reminder is automatically sent. It is the responsibility of the self-employed individual to contact Bolagskraft if they do not wish to send a reminder invoice.
5. When the self-employed individual’s customer has paid, it is registered on the self-employed individual’s page on Bolagskraft.se sometime after 14.00 the same day as the payment is made or no later than the morning after (applies on weekdays).
6. When the self-employed individual wants their salary paid out, it can be paid out at the earliest the day after the payment has been received by Bolagskraft. The self-employed individual must notify Bolagskraft through communication before 12.00 to have the salary paid out the same day. If the self-employed individual instead wishes that Bolagskraft pays out the salary after each payment, the self-employed individual notifies this to Bolagskraft.

Employment Form
The self-employed individual becomes temporarily employed, according to the Employment Protection Act, Law (1982:80) on employment protection, which means that the self-employed individual is employed from the start of a project until its completion. The employment applies to hourly, project, and object employment as needed. An employment contract is written upon request by the self-employed individual.

The self-employed must perform the agreed work in a professional and correct manner.
It is also the self-employed individual’s duty to keep track of laws and regulations so that all work is done according to these. Since the self-employed individual is under the control of Bolagskraft, the self-employed can always turn to Bolagskraft and ask for advice.

The workplace is agreed between the self-employed and the client.

Working Hours
During the self-employed individual’s work, the working hours are agreed between the employed and the client. An employer’s certificate is written upon request by the self-employed.

Disputing an Invoice
In the event that a customer wishes to dispute an invoice due to the self-employed providing incorrect documents, the invoice is credited and thereafter, a new, adjusted invoice is issued. This additional administration incurs a cost of 50 SEK.

The salary paid to the self-employed includes holiday pay, according to the Holiday Act, Holiday Law (1977:480), and a service fee deducted for Bolagskraft, at 8.5% of the invoiced amount excl. VAT, preliminary income tax, and social security contributions, according to the Swedish Tax Agency’s regulations. It is Bolagskraft’s responsibility to handle the payment of said fees. The salary is paid out when the self-employed wishes, whether it is regularly for example on the 25th of every month, or on other occasions. At each salary payment, the pay statement is uploaded to the self-employed’s profile which can be found under “Salary”.

Travel Journals and Allowances

The self-employed is entitled to tax-free compensation for business trips, which is a compensation of 25 SEK per mile. The definition of a business trip is “a trip that is related to business activities”, consequently not the journey to and from the place of work. Bolagskraft reserves the right to determine where your place of work is located, supported by the Swedish Tax Agency’s rules and guidelines. In addition, the self-employed is entitled to tax-free compensation for the increased cost of living when staying in another location on business. The requirement for receiving this compensation is that the overnight stay occurs at least 50 km away from the self-employed’s place of work or home. This compensation is called a per diem. The compensation for per diem is, within Sweden, 290 SEK/full day. The amount for per diem abroad varies depending on which country the self-employed is in.

Bolagskraft has the right to deny compensation in cases where the documentation is deemed to be poorly designed.

Cost Reimbursements

The self-employed is entirely responsible for financing their operation as well as sales, marketing, and other costs for the self-employed’s business to function. This means that the self-employed can only receive compensation for purchased inventory when funds are available on the self-employed’s account in Bolagskraft. Bolagskraft does not take on the payment responsibility for the self-employed’s expenses; these must be financed by the self-employed. The self-employed must upload a payment information along with the receipt/invoice showing that the receipt/expenses have been paid. All receipts or invoices submitted to Bolagskraft’s office via e-mail, via bolagskraft.se, or via mail must meet the following requirements:

1. In cases where receipts or invoices exceed 4000 SEK incl. VAT, Bolagskraft must be listed as c/o according to the Swedish Tax Agency’s rules.


The self-employed’s name

c/o Bolagskraft

The self-employed’s address

The self-employed’s postal code and city

2. It must only be materials and services that can be attributed to the self-employed’s business. Therefore, what one can buy differs from self-employed to self-employed.

3. The self-employed can only acquire inventory that costs less than 20,000 SEK excl. VAT.

Bolagskraft has the right to deny cost reimbursement in cases where the documentation is deemed to be poorly designed

The self-employed undertakes, through this agreement, not to disclose, forward, or take advantage of business secrets obtained through their employment.

Disputes arising from this agreement shall be submitted to a general court and judged according to Swedish legal rules.